Nov 2020 – AMIP General Meeting

On November 20th 2020, AMIP held its general meeting virtually via MS Teams.


Will Healy III

11/24/20201 min read

On November 20th 2020, AMIP held its general meeting virtually via MS Teams.

Please find the recording of this meeting here

Please find the presentation download here.

In addition there were a few announcements from members:

EVENT – Junior Achievement Inspire 2020 Event

Flyer Download
Inspire is grades 9-12 this year so exhibitors will have access to older students for internships, apprenticeships, and employment. Also, they can post jobs or upcoming career exploration opportunities. The platform would allow them to source candidates however we are still working with school districts to better understand what schools will allow with respect to direct interaction with individual students.
Laura Randall-Tepe

INFOSHARE – Butler Tech – MEET Program

The MEET Program is coming again for manufacturers to sponsor an educator for an externship in the Summer. To sponsor a teacher to work with you one week has a cost of $1000, please consider supporting this program and adding this cost to your 2021 budget plans.
Contact Megan Reed for more information.

INFOSHARE – Sinclair – Apprenticeship Program

Opportunities are available for the Mason Apprenticeship program. Contact Chad Bridgman for more information.